The Other Side

She was a spirited young woman & quite talkative but only among her close friends, the rest would categorize her as quiet/aloof. Raven was a 26 year old, stable, passive- aggressive girl. This is Raven's tale.
Raven was perhaps the most kindest at heart but didn't let anyone get close enough to her, she feared every person had their own motive. Sad that Raven let her past dictate her present. Raven had two ravaging characteristics: She could make every psychopath fall irrevocably in love with her and she could see certain things which she could not explain.
It was very simple, You approach Raven: Raven greets you with a smile, she reads your gestures and if she doesn't feel safe around your environment. Raven avoids you.
Raven has nightmares occasionally, sometimes she shakes it off. Other days, she reads the bible for some closure. She usually watches a lot of horror movies, hence why people would assume that she is letting her imagination run wild. But unfortunately, she started watching horror movies as she believed that : You only fear something that you cannot understand.
Raven raised a Catholic, didn’t let any ignorant person get in the way of her belief. She believed – There exists a God and it must therefore have a counterpart: she calls him the Devil.
The devil lurks in the shadows, he lets you believe he doesn’t exist.
After a tiring day at work, Raven usually fell asleep after a bedtime story delivered by her lover but unfortunately that night she fell sound asleep before her lover could fulfil her desire.
That’s when she saw him. Tall & lean, with courage he stood across her bed. The next thing she knew, she was next to him, while he was breathing down her neck. Don’t you believe in me?
The fear that circulated through her body, she knew who sent him. His cloaked body got the better of her. She closed her eyes, hoping it was a bad dream she could wake up from. She couldn’t. She tried hard. She became rigid and filled with disgust. Wake up Raven, wake up.
Is your God here now? He held her firmly, she felt his hands pressed against her ribcage. Eluded she stood, is your God here? – he said again. Wide eyed she stood, distorted and relentless.
Fighting him off, she said: He does and you should leave before he gets angry. He stared at her wildly, I will find you again.
She woke up in sweats and in less than five seconds, she was standing at the place of her apparition. The demon left. She made her way to the washroom with whatever energy she had left. She went back to her room and hesitated to sleep but she couldn’t keep herself awake. She woke up again to the smell of incense which her mother lights every morning and reads her lover’s message: Hi baby, did you sleep well?
She replied: I slept just fine